Australia's Most Hungover Day


For on-demand courier firm Go People, the Christmas period is one of the busiest of the year but also one of the most competitive. To help the brand stand out and drive business results, we helped them join the one conversation that occurs in almost every office in December - The Christmas party. Commissioning a survey, we identified the majority of Christmas parties were taking place on 14th December, making 15 December the most hungover day, with this national hangover costing businesses $12.8m in lost productivity.

Our overarching strategy was to demonstrate the speed and efficiency of Go People’s delivery service by responding to the needs of office workers. To do this, alongside our proactive media outreach, we developed 300 branded hangover kits to be distributed for free to businesses across Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, the same morning they were ordered.

We shaped the morning’s news agenda with widespread coverage, and amplified it through a realtime radio and social advertising campaign.To order a hangover kit, workers had to go to a dedicated landing page on Go People’s website. This allowed us to capture leads and put them through company’s sales funnel, while also familiarising users with Go People’s platform and services.

31 tier-one

media hits


captured leads



in web traffic



in sales (YoY deliveries)