Surprisingly Better


CampaignLab worked with online ecostore Flora & Fauna to join the conversation through a purpose driven campaign in the lead up to its busiest retail period… Christmas. Salvation Army stats revealed that 1.6 million Aussies couldn’t afford to buy a Christmas present for their child. We commissioned consumer research showing Aussies spend over $1 billion on new toys and throw 26.8 million in the bin every Christmas.

Armed with the data, we worked with Flora & Fauna to launch “A Surprisingly Better Christmas”. A call to action encouraging Aussies to donate pre-loved toys for Flora & Fauna to upcycle and donate to disadvantaged children, or resell online - with all proceeds going to charity. This utilised ecommerce as a vehicle for change, encouraging Aussies to consider purchasing second-hand gifts as a sustainable option at Christmas.

The media loved the idea to help families, with broadcast coverage across Channel 10 and 2GB as well as metro media coverage in The Daily Telegraph, Guardian and many more.With the news driving awareness of the initiative, we also launched a series of thumb stopping visual content pieces, including a hero video to drive consumers to the campaign landing page.The campaign tapped into a real world insight and issue in a creative way. It drove a spike in awareness for Flora & Fauna, but more importantly diverted toys from landfill and made Christmas a magical time for hundreds of disadvantaged Aussie children.

60+ articles


Studio 10, The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, 6PR, ABC Weekend Breakfast TV, NT News, The Guardian, 2GB and more


unwanted toys

saved from landfill



organic video views

Huge spikes

in traffic
